QuickBooks and Customer Management: How to Bridge the Gap

QuickBooks and Customer Management: How to Bridge the Gap

Is QuickBooks Your Main Source of Customer Information? Small business owners and managers need to be able to answer questions like: Who are your best customers? What’s your average customer sale: What’s the lifetime value of a customer? If you’re like many small businesses, you may go to QuickBooks or your accounting system to find…

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 Business Apps

Think you know Microsoft Office 365? Think again. The software engineers at Microsoft have been steadily adding new applications and services to Microsoft 365, formerly known Office 365. This Microsoft Cloud Software as a Service (Saas) solution provides businesses with familiar business productivity tools. There are many good reasons to create a professional email account…

small business software

Using Small Business Software: There has to be a better way!

As a small business technology advisor, we’ll often be called into an office to provide technical support.  Sometimes the client will casually mention some glaring inefficiency that we know could be easily be remedied with a software program.  Small Business Software Saves Time and Money! If you ever catch yourself saying or thinking, “There has…