business firewalls

Business Firewalls: How to Protect Your Computer Network

With all the news about data security breaches and malware attacks, businesses are finally starting to take network security more seriously… as they should! Downtime and data loss can have a devastating impact on a business. Small businesses are not immune from criminals with malicious intent. In fact, 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses because…

email distribution groups

Email Aliases, Shared Mailboxes, and Distribution Lists

We believe every business should have a professional email address, ideally one using Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace. In additional to having your own personal, private email address, you may want to have a centralized email address that gets sent to multiple people. Email aliases, shared mailboxes, groups and lists Creating multiple email accounts (when…

sharepoint and onedrive

SharePoint and OneDrive for Business: Are You Confused?

SharePoint and OneDrive for Business If you’re having difficulty understanding the differences between SharePoint and OneDrive for Business, you are NOT alone. To add to the confusion: Microsoft 365 Applications for File Storage and File Sharing Both SharePoint and OneDrive are used for file storage and file sharing. When you’re prompted to save a Word…