Django and Python Software Development Frameworks

Choosing the right programming language, web framework, and database for custom software matters based on project specifics. While Django and Python offer rapid development and scalability, other tools may suit unique needs.

django and python

This post is part of our Custom Software Development series

Does it matter what programming language, web framework, or database is used to build a custom software application?

Mostly no, but sometimes yes.

When prospective clients ask about our expertise in specific programming languages (Django, C#, .NET, JavaScript, Rails, etc.), it’s usually because they want us to take over the management of an existing custom software project. That makes sense when the project is relatively recent. However, sometimes being too specific in your requirements can backfire.

For example, we’ve had numerous calls for Access database development work. We are pros at Microsoft Access. But also… when you already have to upgrade a 10-year-old Access database, we may propose an alternative solution that’s a better fit for your needs. More modern. More secure. Less expensive. And developed faster.

For the most part, we’re “vendor agnostic.” We care about finding the right solution for YOU. And in most cases, people don’t care which toolsets we use for a software development project. We’re committed to delivering an outcome.

We use the tools that make sense for the project. When unspecified, our go-to software stack is Django and Python. Django is a web framework that supports rapid application development (RAD), and Python is the underlying programming language.

Django calls itself “the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines,” which describes us pretty well. These solutions are not the only tools in our toolbelt, but they’re easy, familiar, and open source, which makes them a great fit for many reasons.

5 reasons to use Django and Python

1. You need a solution built quickly. Django is a “batteries included framework.” Using a rapid application development (RAD) tool like Django cuts cost and time because we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, we can use both built-in components and 3rd party modules.

2. You want a cross platform framework. When we know an application needs to be compatible with a Windows only library, we’ll use .NET and C# because those are the best tools for the job. However, often clients want the flexibility of hosting the application on any operating system – Linux, Mac, or Windows. With Django and Python, you can move the application to another operating system anytime.

3. You want to leverage built-in security features. Please note that no matter how you approach your software development project, you do NOT want your developers building their own security framework. It is WAY too risky, especially when there are plenty of solid pre-built modules available.

4. You want assurance that you can find other support if needed. Django and Python are popular, with a large community of resources to lean on for dev-to-dev support. Tons of third-party libraries are widely available. Plus, they have EXCELLENT documentation. By using the most popular web framework, you give yourself plenty of options to transition later to another developer or bring the project in house.

5. You want a solution that will scale. Instagram is built using Django, so you can be assured Django will scale as large as you need it to. Its built-in caching system is robust enough to create a smooth user experience.

Most of the apps and interfaces we build are either automating internal processes or start with an externally facing form, which then kicks off an internal process. We wouldn’t use Django to build stock trading software or a role-playing video game, but for most business applications, Django is an excellent choice.

Programmers often say “Python is the second-best language for everything” – but the beauty is that you can do everything in one language. When it comes to web applications, the speed of development is often more important than computational power.

If you don’t know what you need, that’s the perfect place to start. Our team has been building custom software for over 20 years. While our default tools are Django and Python, we still actively maintain our skills and support applications that use other programming languages and databases. Please reach out for help exploring the possibilities.

Explore the possibilities
software development

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Python used with Django?

Django is a Python-based programming framework. Django is written in Python.

Is Django a full framework?

Django is a “batteries included framework.” Using a rapid application development (RAD) like Django cuts cost and time because we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, we can use both built-in components and 3rd party modules.

What size companies use Django?

Companies such as Instagram and Pinterest are built using Django, so you can be assured Django will scale as large as you need it to.

Does the choice of programming language, web framework, or database significantly impact custom software development?

While usually no, specificity can backfire. Django and Python provide rapid development and scalability, but the choice depends on project requirements, emphasizing flexibility and client-centric solutions.

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